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When You’re Wrong About A Book: This Is How It Always Is

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It’s hard to admit when we’re wrong about something. Bookworms especially can be judgmental about books before even reading them. Not that that’s always a bad thing – I’m totally guilty of picking my next read entirely based on a pretty cover, and I’ve found some real gems that way!

But here I am admitting it for all the world (er…maybe like 7 people) to see: I was wrong about This Is How It Always Is.

I thought for sure that This Is How It Always Is wasn’t the book for me, despite the fact that I kept seeing it everywhere: Anne Bogel, who has yet to let me down with a book recommendation, regularly recommends it on her blog and on her podcast, there it was on the Lucky Day shelf at my library, it popped up on my Goodreads feed, and even a high school student I work with told me I should read it. [Note: this is not a YA book; this particular high school student is very widely read.]

Even after all that, I still thought that this wouldn’t be a book I would enjoy at this time in my life. I thought it wasn’t the book for me (or maybe I wasn’t the reader for it) because I knew it was about parents/parenting and at this point in my life, parenting is not something I relate to or seek to read about. I was also concerned that it was an “issue” book, which is also not something to which I’m typically drawn. (I’m purposely not discussing the main premise of the book, lest people be deterred from giving it a try.)

But you know what? I could not put this book down. I found myself reading it every chance I could get. It’s not like it has a suspenseful tone that’s building up to some dramatic reveal or it’s a page turning thrill ride. But there’s something so compelling about this book that’s just about…life. I know that sounds SO boring. I assure you I would be the first to turn my nose up at a book that was described to me that way.

However, once I started reading, I quickly decided that it didn’t matter that I couldn’t really see myself or my life situation in any of the characters or that the “issue” presented in the book isn’t really one that directly resonates with my life experience. I’m a person in the world and that’s enough for this book. Laurie Frankel makes the characters feel so incredibly real that I felt like I was part of the family and I’m sure you will, too. It’s heartfelt and hopeful, which is something I think the world could use a little more of these days.

If you’ve been putting off reading this one, do yourself a favor and read it now. Then you can join me in proudly announcing that you, too, were wrong about This Is How It Always Is.


Wishing every day were Book Club Sunday,


3 thoughts on “When You’re Wrong About A Book: This Is How It Always Is

  1. I really liked this review! I have this book downloaded from the library and haven’t got to it yet but I’ve been thinking exactly what you said about it…it’s an issue book and I don’t know if I’m in the mood for it. Based on your thoughts I’ll go ahead and give it a try and see if I feel I’m wrong about it as well:)


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